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Ever wondered how your favorite Disney princess or heroine would do as a superhero? Power-laden characters like Elsa, Cinderella, Rapunzel, Ariel, and Moana would be valuable assets on any superhero team. With Marvel and Disney uniting under one roof, the pairings come even closer to reality. This article looks at which Marvel superhero teams each of these princesses would join and why.
Queen Elsa – X-Men
With her unexplained elemental powers, Elsa understands what it means to feel like a misfit. Though powerful, the isolation she experiences makes her long for acceptance and a sense of belonging. This makes her a perfect candidate to join the X-men. The X-men are filled with the outcasts and misfits that struggle to be accepted by the world. Professor Xavier makes it a point to not only accept the mutants but also help them utilize their talents skillfully.

Just as Elsa learns to wield her powers to make her kingdom flourish, the X-men help keep the world safe from ill-willed mutants. Iceman could mentor Elsa and create a frost based duo. The camaraderie the team builds within its ranks mirrors Elsa’s journey to trust and protect her sister and the kingdom she loves. Elsa and the X-Men learn from their past and use it to strengthen their desire to defend other outcasts.
Princess Cinderella – The Revengers
Cinderella is the classic Disney princess but not often associated with superpowers. However, her experience keeping her stepmother’s estate gives her the practical powers of efficiency and organization. Cinderella’s work ethic and ability to turn chaos into order would help out the “Revengers” since their skill set is mainly of the “smash” variety.

Though not really a sanctioned Marvel team, Thor, Hulk, Valkyrie, and Loki make an effective if chaotic squad. Cinderella could help ground the team’s more outlandish ideas (get help anyone?) and help mitigate the collateral damage that Thor, The Hulk, and even Valkyrie create while fighting. After the fray, Cinderella would be useful in helping organize the Asgardian refugees in their new lives.
Rapunzel – Guardians Of The Galaxy
Rapunzel spent most of her life in a tower learning to entertain herself with art, cooking, and imagination. However, she also becomes quite skilled at frying pan combat and maneuvering with her lengthy hair. Rapunzel’s keen fighting skills would round out the Guardians of the Galaxy and give the team a much needed “healer” for when times get dire. Her love for life and joy would fit right in with the fun-loving group.

Whether she is swinging from Groot’s limbs or assisting Rocket with a large firearm, Rapunzel’s adaptability would aid the Guardian’s ever-changing circumstances. Though Mantis can attune herself with other beings’ emotions, the Guardians lack a doctor or healer type in their ranks. Rapunzel’s gift of healing would come in handy when the Guardian’s cavalier ways get them injured.
Princess Ariel – The Avengers
Though Ariel seems innocent and somewhat helpless, her connection with animals and her amphibious nature gives her an unexpected advantage. These skills could help the Avengers in various terrain. Captain America, Black Widow, and The Hulk are adept at land combat, and Iron Man, Hawkeye, and Thor can cover the air attacks. Only the undersea aspect is left open, which Ariel could easily dominate.

Not only is she able to operate easily underwater, but her familiarity with the sea and allies would make the Avengers a comprehensive fighting force. Further, as the team continually faces dire situations, her youth could bring inspiration and joy when all seems lost. Not to mention her red hair fits the trend for the ladies of the group.
Princess Moana – Defenders Of The Deep
As a bonus, Moana’s connection with the sea and empathetic nature would lend itself to being a part of the Defenders Of The Deep. This team is yet unexplored in the cinematic universe. However, as Marvel expands its television and theater productions, the Atlantean storyline could come into play. Moana has not only an adventurous spirit but also a deep love for the sea and nature.

This passion proves a powerful motivator as she searches for the heart of Te Fiti. As a Defender Of The Deep, Moana can use her character strength and adventurous spirit to keep the Atlanteans safe.
Princesses Are Superheroes!
In the end, it’s fun to play with crossovers and imagine our favorite badass princesses joining the fight against evil. Though young, each of them understands the meaning of loss and hardship and desire to make the world a better place. Their strength and determination under pressure are far greater an asset than even their physical powers.
Fantasizing about the teams that these heroines would grace is a fun way to pass the time until Marvel and Disney decide to make it a reality. It would be nearly impossible to cover all the fascinating team-ups that Disney princesses and Marvel superhero could create. However, it is fun to fantasize about a world where the two could meet. What teams would you place your favorite Disney heroines in?