My Cousin Vinny -- "Stop-And-Go"

16 Stop-And-Go Shows For Your Busy Summer

Summertime should mean that you have all the time you could possibly want to watch TV shows and movies. Unfortunately, life does not always go according to plan, and some of us are stuck with a busy schedule this summer, one that does not seem to have too much room for watching. Nevertheless, with a list of the right things to watch to match your hectic schedule, your summer can still be full of tv shows and movies. What you need are stop-and-go shows, shows (and movies) that can be started or stopped without requiring too much discipline and mental struggle. I’m here to give you that list.

Stop-And-Go Shows

TV shows are great for people with busy schedules because there is so much content that watchers don’t have to think about a new movie every time they want to watch something. Instead, they can start a tv series, and any free time can be spent finishing that series. Nevertheless, not all TV series are good for busy people because the tv show cannot be too addicting. If it is – and I can tell you from personal experience – the watcher might find it difficult to put the show away, especially when each episode ends on a cliff-hanger.

Sitcoms You Should Watch

This is why sitcoms are the perfect stop-and-go shows to watch for a busy person. For one, they contain little plot, which means that one can start on any episode and still understand what is going on. This is important because it makes it easy to start an episode, and if a person has to pause in the middle of an episode, he or she can pick up right where he or she left off.

Dressed up Barney, Marshall, Lily, Robin, Ted from stop-and-go show "How I Met Your Mother" posing for the camera.
Credit: 20th Century Fox

Moreover, sitcoms typically have short episodes, so they are perfect for, say, a twenty minute lunch break.

  1. How I Met Your Mother (Hulu)
  2. The Office (Netflix)
  3. Schitt’s Creek (Netflix or Hulu)
  4. Rick and Morty (Hulu or HBO Max)
  5. Brooklyn Nine-Nine (Hulu or NBC)

Cooking Shows You Should Watch

In addition to sitcoms, cooking shows are great for busy people because they have absolutely no plot, which means that in the moments when there is little drama on-screen, they can get boring. As ironic as it sounds, boring is good because boring means you can stop and start with ease.

Bobby Flay stands in front of his competition station cooking, while woman stands laughing beside him.
Credit: Food Network

And if these cooking shows don’t bake your cake, here are some other perfect stop-and-go cooking shows.

  1. Chopped (Hulu)
  2. Beat Bobby Flay (Hulu)
  3. DC Cupcakes (Hulu)

Stop-And-Go Movies

I know I talked down movie-watching in a busy schedule before because it can be hard to think of a movie every time you find a small chunk of time to watch one. But, that’s why I am here, right? I can find the movies for you because no one should have to forgo movies, not even to a hectic schedule.

That being said, like was the case with the shows, a busy person needs a list of the proper stop-and-go movies. These movies need to be somewhat slow in nature. That’s not to say that they need to be bad, but they do need to be slow enough, such that if you need to pause it, restarting and getting back into the action is not too hard.

Stop-And-Go Comedies You Should Watch

For busy people comedies are great. Not only do they help relieve the stress and tension that comes from a loads of work, but they also have a built-in stop and go nature to them. If you think about a comedy as a series of jokes instead of an entire movie, then each couple scenes are mainly meant to build to the next joke. That means that once that joke is told, it is easy to pause the movie because the next couple scenes are building to a new joke. All this to say, comedies can still have overarching plots, but their plots are not as intensive as action movies, for example.

Robin Williams from the stop-and-go comedy Mrs Doubtfire dressed as an old woman with makeup, earrings, and a blue sweater.
Credit: 20th Century Fox

If you need comedy ideas, try these:

  1. Grown Ups (Hulu and NBC)
  2. Mrs. Doubtfire (Hulu and HBO Max)
  3. My Cousin Vinny (Hulu)
  4. Step Brothers (Amazon Prime)
  5. Dumb and Dumber (Amazon Prime)

Thought-Provoking Movies You Should Watch

When I say thought-provoking, I do mean that they make you, the watcher, think. But, those thoughts are not why these types of movies are here. Instead, thought-provoking movies have the tendency to be slow in their build-up, which means that watchers may not always feel engaged. And when people do not feel engaged, they have less of an issue stopping the movie and starting it back up again at some point in the future.

Truman stands on stairs in front of wall that was meant to seem like the distant sky.
Credit: Paramount Pictures

Here are some thought-provoking movies for you:

  1. The Karate Kid (Amazon Prime)
  2. Life of Pi (Amazon Prime)
  3. The Truman Show (Hulu)

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