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With Father’s Day approaching, it is important to take a moment and appreciate the wide variety of dads that exist. As it happens, the multiple TV dads we’ve come to love over the years also represent the different types of dads we’ll be celebrating this coming June 21.
Types Of TV Dads
Though there are many different types of TV dads, each special in their own way, they can mainly be categorized into five groups: the ever-supportive dads, the protective dads, the stay-at-home dads, the group of dads, and the atypical dads. Thus, these are the five types of TV dads we will discuss.
The Ever Supportive Dad
Like Arrow’s TV dad Robert Queen, some dads are very laid-back and ever-supportive of their children’s decisions. Whereas outsiders may see these dads as too lenient when their kids get away with frowned upon acts such as excessive partying, these dads always know the goodness in their children’s hearts.

Oliver Queen’s father in Arrow – Robert Queen – saw beyond his son’s love for partying and drugs and beyond his mistakes that got him arrested, such that he sacrificed his life so that his son may live. Moreover, he saw the good in his son that many others did not, which left him to trust Oliver to right his wrongs.
Robert Queen’s support is the reason we the viewers get to love the Oliver who, after five years away, comes back as an honorable man with the desire to save his city and right his father’s wrongs.
The Protective Dad
One of the latest TV dads is Heyward from Netflix’s Outer Banks, who represents the more protective dads. Like the ever-supportive dad, protective dads want the best for their children, but they are more willing to offer their input.

For example, on multiple occasions in Outer Banks, Heyward tells his son Pope that he doesn’t approve of Pope’s friends and that he should not go to hang out with them. Nevertheless, Pope does not agree with his father, as many teenagers do not, which leads to fighting (both physical and verbal).
Regardless of their differences, though, when Pope needs his father at the end of the season, Heyward is there. His comfort is what keeps Pope (and his friend JJ who desperately needs a good father) together.
The Stay-At-Home Dad
In some families both parents work, leaving their children with a nanny. In others, the mom stays at home and raises the children as a full-time job. In others, though, the dad is the one who stays at home with the kids. The prime example of this kind of dad is TV dad (Winston) Schmidt from New Girl.

When his and his wife Cece’s daughter Ruth was born, he decided to leave work to care for Ruth full-time. Between braiding her hair, prepping her for preschool interviews, and doing face masks with her, Schmidt devotes all his energy to loving and raising his daughter.
Like our previous dads, Schmidt wants what is best for his daughter and supports her endlessly, especially with his time.
The Group Effort
Sometimes the job of a dad is a group effort. Consider Full House’s Danny, Jesse, and Joey. Aside from no list of TV dads being complete without this iconic trio, they show us that a “dad” isn’t always just one person.

On multiple occasions, these three help each other out with their girls, and their differing personalities allow them to parent DJ and her sisters wonderfully; for example, when Danny can’t get through to his girls, Jesse is able to make a breakthrough. And, if their hugs and emphasis on family is a nod to anything, it shows that the same level of support we see with our other TV dads is ever-present with Danny, Jesse, and Joey’s group effort.
The Atypical TV Dad
In many situations, the father figure is not what many picture as a TV dad. Nevertheless, the one who steps up to fill the shoes of a dad should be honored.

Spider-Man’s Aunt May, for example, is not what most people imagine when they think of a dad. She is not a biological parent of Spider-Man, and she is his only guardian. But she steps up and acts like his mom and dad. She fills the void his parents and Uncle Ben left and that makes her truly remarkable. Moreover, like our previous TV dads, she supports Spider-Man endlessly, especially in the latest Spider-Man, Far From Home.
Finally, some TV shows offer us a glimpse at multiple types of dads, including not just a supportive or a protective or a stay-at-home dad, but instead a mix. Modern Family should be especially noted for its portrayal of the multiple types of dads and parenting dynamics.
Happy Father’s Day!
There are many types of dads that will be celebrated very soon and though their parenting styles may differ, what is common between them all is their love for their children and their desire to offer them the best lives possible.
Their support leaves their children feeling important and capable. And for that reason, among many others, they deserve our love and appreciation. So take this coming Father’s Day as an opportunity to thank the dads in your life. For me, I’d like to thank my dad, my granddads, my Uncle Mark, and my Uncle Dave for all their support.