13 Reasons Why

Does Fictional Entertainment Actually Help You With Your Mental Health?

Many people turn to fictional entertainment to alleviate whatever mental health issues they’re dealing with. When you’re feeling sad or angry or stressed, what’s the first thing you think about doing to make yourself feel better? We might read that one book from our favorite author that boosts our serotonin levels. Perhaps we’ll watch that movie that we’ve already seen five times because it gives us so much joy. How effective is fictional entertainment? Can it cure people of their depression? Is it more helpful or harmful?

What Is Fictional Entertainment And Mental Health?

Any form of entertainment that isn’t based on a true story can be categorized as fictional entertainment. Movies, TV shows, books, and video games would fall under this category. According to research, Americans alone watch TV more than seven hours and fifty minutes per household per day.

Eleven from Stranger Things staring angrily.
Credit: 21 Laps Entertainment

Thirty-five percent of people in the U.S. read ten or more books per year. Globally, video games are played for seven hours and seven minutes each week. Nowadays, most people prefer to watch movies at home rather than attending a movie theater. For as long as fictional entertainment like movies, TV, books, and video games have existed, many people have enjoyed them.

What is mental health? It has been defined as our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. How we interact with others, how we view ourselves, and how we deal with stress are all determined by the state of our mental health. Biology, interpersonal experiences, and family history are some of the factors that can contribute to our mental health.

Josh Nash from A Beautiful Mind standing in front of a chalkboard.
Credit: Imagine Entertainment

One may be having mental health issues if they show signs of sleeping too much or too little, feeling helpless or hopeless, or abusing substances. Poor mental health is not to be confused with having a mental illness. One could have poor mental health but not possess a mental illness.

How Is Fictional Entertainment Helpful?

Movies can have a significant impact on one’s mental health. Some therapists prescribe “cinema therapy” to their patients as a way to deal with their problems. Cinema therapy can also be initiated by an individual without the assistance of a professional. Movies that realistically and artistically tackle mental health can also be great for those who struggle in their everyday lives.

Nina Sayers staring into a cracked mirror.
Credit: Fox Searchlight Pictures

The film Black Swan comes to mind. It has been speculated that the main character, Nina Sayers, experiences psychosis. Black Swan is a critically acclaimed movie, therefore, it’s possible that people who could relate to what Nina went through felt comforted by the movie.

Video games can also have a positive impact. One of the most popular video games that many use as a source to cope is Animal Crossing. The game is known for being relaxing and easy to play. There is no “end” in the game.

A young girl and a deer planting and watering flowers.
Credit: Nintendo

The player only has to complete simple tasks like fishing or gardening. They are also able to interact with other characters. It is the perfect game for those who want to relieve stress and escape their hectic lives. In fact, some research shows that relaxing games can improve one’s overall mood and make them friendlier towards others.

Can Fictional Entertainment Be Harmful?

The World Health Organization says that excessive playing of video games can have a damaging effect. In 2018, they recognized “gaming disorder” as a disease. One may have gaming disorder if they prioritize playing video games over other activities or if playing video games creates more negative than positive consequences in their life.

Michael Townley, Trevor Philips, and Brad Snider holding guns.
Credit: Rockstar Games

Some argue that video games can cause people to become more violent. When the shooting at Columbine High School occurred in 1999, many wondered if violent video games were partly to blame for the tragedy. As of today, there’s little evidence to prove that video games cause people to become more violent. Video games can actually help those who have issues managing their aggression.

One TV show that has been shown to have a negative impact on those who watch it is the Netflix series 13 Reasons Why. It is an adaptation of the novel of the same name. It follows Hannah Baker, a high school student who commits suicide and leaves behind seven tapes of fellow student Clay Jensen. In the tapes, she reveals all of the people she blames for taking her own life.

Clay Jensen putting on headphones in front of lockers.
Credit: Netflix

Research has shown that some people who watched the second season of the show had an increased rate of suicidal ideation and more pessimistic feelings about their future. As a result, the creators of Netflix decided to remove the scene where Hannah takes her life and include a warning video in the beginning of each season.

Why Fictional Entertainment Kind Of Helps

So the question remains, is fictional entertainment helpful? The answer is complicated. Fictional entertainment can indeed help those dealing with issues like depression and anxiety. However, it’s important that people seek help from a professional rather than solely rely on movies, TV shows, books, and video games.

Charlie Kelmeckis, a teen who struggled with mental health, and Samantha Button having a conversation by a wall.
Credit: Summit Entertainment

It’s also important for a struggling individual to communicate with friends and family. Some mental illnesses drive a person to isolate themselves, which can lead to the development of an obsession. Though forms of fictional entertainment cannot cure one’s mental illnesses, they can provide comfort, enjoyment, and happiness.

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