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Since this contains so many spoilers, I am unable to express how sorry I am for the inconvenience. But enjoy?
Stranger Things (2016; The Duffer Brothers) is associated with several things — the 1980s, the upside-down, and Wynona Rider’s facial expressions — to name a few. However, Stranger Things is more than just a Netflix Original television series set in the 80s about a ragtag group of best friends. With three seasons already under its belt and a fourth on the horizon, what do we make of Stranger Things? Even though the show initially aimed to be original, it eventually departed from what it originally intended to achieve, focusing more on an aesthetic concept than the characters themselves, as previous seasons did.

While the latter seasons depart from the original concept, the show’s premise remains innovative and compelling. It is evident that Stranger Things has a wide appeal as a universal television series. Whether you are watching the series as a family or on your own in your twenties, the premise does not have an age limit. The series has captured the hearts of many viewers who love and resonate with it. Aside from the whimsical characters, the nostalgic aura is what makes it attractive to most viewers, as Ashley Jae Carranza notes:
Stranger Things pierces modern society’s subconscious to scratch a viable itch, ultimately causing its popularity to transcend entertainment and to show the familial divide that has resurged. The use of a group child protagonist in King’s It and Stranger Things appeals to audiences in the present day and echoes strains on home life that we have seen in the formative decades of the 1950s and the 1980s.
(( Carranza, Ashley Jae. PG. 8. “The Rebirth of King’s Children.” Uncovering Stranger Things: Essays on Eighties Nostalgia, Cynicism and Innocence in the Series. United States: McFarland, Incorporated, Publishers, 2018. )).
It is not surprising that praise is widely spread, which cannot be overlooked; Nicholas Diak affirms, “Of all the contributions to popular culture that Stranger Things brought forth, none is perhaps as iconic as its signature theme.” (( Diak, Nicholas. PG. 20. “Long Nights and Dangerous Days.” Uncovering Stranger Things: Essays on Eighties Nostalgia, Cynicism and Innocence in the Series. United States: McFarland, Incorporated, Publishers, 2018. )). The first two seasons are excellent, but the third fails to impress narratively, despite a dramatic improvement in production. From a tonal standpoint, the third season is not disastrous, but it takes a significantly different path from the previous seasons in that it relies far too heavily on other elements to create a meaningful mise-en-scène. Therefore, what makes Stranger Things 3 such a radical departure from its predecessors?
I. Stranger Things (2016-): The Beginning
Stranger Things (2016-) brought something new and admirable to television — or rather streaming — in terms of characters, a well-developed plot (mise-en-scéne), outstanding cinematography, and an engaging score. Yet… Even so, the series’ most inherent quality was that the characters were the central focus. The story takes place in November 1983, when a group of ragtag outcast children loses their best friend to the upside-down. The first installment of Stranger Things examines how Will’s disappearance leaves each character; thus, many have a mental breakdown.

Although the audience is unfamiliar with Will, they can sympathize with his situation; a young boy seemingly an outcast, with his own gang of Goonies, who mysteriously disappears. Because of the way the premise is constructed, the audience can assume that no one cares or realizes that Will has disappeared. Nevertheless, the entire town knows and is aware of Will’s disappearance, and the situation has affected their lives significantly in the first season. In terms of the basic storyline, the first season is fairly self-explanatory, which is what makes it very enjoyable. The actors were excellent in their roles. There were eight episodes in the series and it was premiered on July 15, 2016. It reflects a period of time that seems like decades ago, right? Despite this, it has only been four years since Stranger Things first aired, and in four years, the format will change and so will Stranger Things.
I.I. A Look Back At The ’80s, The Supernatural, And A Huge Array Of Science Fiction
Based on a supernatural and science fiction story, the series is set in Hawkins, Indiana, a fictional town founded by The Duffer Brothers. Even though the series originated in the 1980s, it did not create the sweeping appeal of the 1980s on television. Rather, it rekindled the popularity of the 1980s following its decline in the mid-2000s. Kayla McCarthy notes that if a Generation X geek spent their formative years in the 1980s, and contemporary nostalgia mainly consists of the products and media one was familiar with during childhood, then nostalgia for 1980s geek culture is conjured by consumer artifacts. (( McCarthy, Kayla. PG. 4. “Remember Things: Consumerism, Nostalgia, and Geek Culture in Stranger Things.” 2019. )). In a nutshell, this is Stranger Things. Each episode lasts approximately one hour, and the main characters are Joyce Byers, Jim Hopper, Mike Wheeler, Eleven, Dustin Henderson, Lucas Sinclair, Nancy Wheeler, Jonathan Byers, Will Byers, and Steve Harrington.

This first season consists of ten characters, although there will be more in future seasons; quite a number, right? The task of focusing on ten characters in an eight-episode television series is very difficult, and that does not even include Barb makes it eleven (there is a joke here, but I won’t divulge it). In spite of this, Stranger Things showed that they could, did, and will. The writers emphasized the individual characters and made the audience feel emotionally attached. In most cases, after viewing the first episode or entire season, you already have a favorite character. For most people, it was Barb (which at the time was a meme). For others, it could have been Steve or Dustin or Lucas, or even Will. As a result of their well-developed characteristics, you are emotionally connected to each of the characters. Even Will, who was given virtually no screen time in the first season, made an outstanding contribution. And do not even get me started on the second season: Will is the best actor in the series. But let us not get ahead of ourselves.
II. A Dive Into Stranger Things (By Season)
Watching the premiere episode of Stranger Things, it is clear that it is an entirely different show from the latest season; production values have improved, the budget has grown significantly, and the actors are being compensated more than Hollywood veterans. (But that isn’t the point.) Originally, the focus was on science fiction with a slight nod to the 1980s; the 1980s were portrayed as a mere setting (mise-en-scéne), rather than a dimension of the characters’ stories. However, as session three illustrates, it will be woven more deeply into the arcs of the characters which will change the tone of Stranger Things as a whole.
II.I. Season 1, Episode 1: “Chapter One: The Vanishing Of Will Byers”
It is evident from “Chapter One: The Vanishing Of Will Byers” that we do not know the plot; if anything, we, as an audience, have no idea as to what is going to occur. It discusses an enigmatic character, friends playing “Dungeons & Dragons” (which will operate as a key aspect in Stranger Things 3 and have major implications for Will, a fan favorite), and the consequences of Will’s disappearance. Stranger Things 1 makes use of innovative camera movement, lighting, composition, close-ups, pans, and experimenting with television camera work; an approach not seen since David Lynch’s Twin Peaks (1990-2017). The latest release in this vein may be Glover’s Atlanta.

There are many television shows that do not use the camera extensively, mostly because it is television. There is a lack of time and cinema provides a greater platform for artistic expression. Unlike television commercial breaks and transitions from one episode to the next, in cinema, there is a larger time frame. Among Stranger Things‘ best features is the way the story is visualized as mini-movies. It has been some time since society has been exposed to this kind of phenomenon. To name a few, Game of Thrones is an excellent example; some other examples could include Lost, Black Mirror, and The Twilight Zone. “Chapter One: The Vanishing of Will Byers” is a wonderful example of what is to come with Stranger Things. The first season establishes the tone and lore for the series.
II.II. Stranger Things 2 Is A Mixture Of Everything?
Despite not being one of my personal favorites, Stranger Things 2 is still a ‘worthwhile’ season. It offers a realistic depiction of the gang’s advancement during the 1980s. Again, the series will be saved by the strong focus on the characters; they are all the right age, and we are able to see them grow up as we watch the series. The relatable factor is that each kid seems to be… a kid. They look like children, they act like children, and, at the time of the series, they were children. Even if you were not born during the 1980s, you will still be able to recollect the eighties. Thanks to social media and popular culture, it is evident that no matter your age, you have an affinity for the series as well as the 1980s. The primary reason for choosing “The Vanishing of Will Byers” is that it provides a captivating backdrop for the series. However, what is presented in the first episode is unlikely to be repeated throughout the series.

The second season of Stranger Things takes place in October 1984, a year after the first season aired in 2017. It had a big debut and there was a great deal of hype surrounding it. In Season 1, we are introduced to the characters; we learn more about each individual member of the group, including Will, who is missing. Fortunately, Will is rescued in Stranger Things 2. Even though many lives were lost, we were able to save Will despite the tight situation. Season 2 presents the opportunity for Will, portrayed by Noah Schnapp, to display a higher level of acting, which we did not witness in Season 1, due to his absence. He truly shines in the second season. Will’s portrayal of the trauma caused by being kidnapped by the upside-down is just outstanding.

Besides being innovative in his acting, it is wonderful to see a young actor portray such a sensitive subject. Stranger Things 2 continues down a dark path before answering its own questions. As a result, we are uncertain of what exactly transpired, nor do we know who Eleven is. Having not fully comprehended the answers to these questions yet, Stranger Things 2 begins somewhat muddled. It has been revealed that there are more characters like Eleven, which leads to some confusion. Furthermore, we learn that they are a group of criminals who steal and harm innocent people. As well, we discover that there is a deeper purpose to the whole Eleven phenomenon, a purpose higher than what we, as audience members, can comprehend. Additionally, one of them is Eleven’s sister. We also come to find out that there is more to the universe than the upside-down, which we will discuss in Stranger Things 3.
II.II.I. The “Forgotten” Episode: Season 2, Episode 7 “Chapter Seven: The Lost Sister”
There are moments of grace, however, interspersed between the ups and downs; the sheer impact of Will being constantly targeted by the upside-down and having visions about being kidnapped is exceptionally captivating. It is difficult for Will to tell his family or friends about his condition since they are already concerned about him, however, he is suffering and understands that something is wrong. Despite the absence of Eleven, this season is generally successful. As a consequence, she is an unimportant part of the overall plot, and there is one episode that is generally regarded as not necessary, entitled “Chapter Seven: The Lost Sister,” that includes her only ‘heavy‘ appearance in the series. (( Duffer Brothers, The. Stranger Things. Season 2, Episode 7: “Chapter Seven: The Lost Sister.” October 27, 2017. Netflix Entertainment. )).

There are moments of grace, however, interspersed between the ups and downs; the sheer impact of Will being constantly targeted by the upside-down and having visions about being kidnapped is exceptionally captivating. It is difficult for Will to tell his family or friends about his condition since they are already concerned about him, however, he is suffering and understands that something is wrong. Despite the absence of Eleven, this season is generally successful. As a consequence, she is an unimportant part of the overall plot, and there is one episode that is generally regarded as not necessary, entitled “Chapter Seven: The Lost Sister,” that includes her only ‘heavy‘ appearance in the series. (( Duffer Brothers, The. Stranger Things. Season 2, Episode 7: “Chapter Seven: The Lost Sister.” October 27, 2017. Netflix Entertainment. )). It was particularly disconcerting as the second season focused on the X-Files idea that “others” exist. Considering the series’ focus was on friendship, Will, and grief.
On top of that, Stranger Things not only retains its full cast from previous seasons but also introduces two new characters, Max and Billy. Our handful of brats becomes six. Additionally, there is now Max, who is a somewhat competent character but again is unnecessary since she will end up being Lucas’s love interest in the future. This was also the case with Billy, who was destined to die. (Sorry, spoilers!)
II.III. The Transition From Stranger Things 2 To Stranger Things 3
The camerawork and marketing budget has been further developed by Stranger Things 3, and the cinematography was enhanced considerably. Across the board, the first season blew up, literally, with the actors, Netflix, and the directors all going on to achieve great things. Even if that meant sacrificing production in the third season. But one thing Stranger Things 2 (and Stranger Things as a whole series) has going for it is its acting, so did they deserve a raise by season three? Probably. While Stranger Things 2 leaves the 1980s setting in the background (except for the Ghostbusters sequences, which recede into the backdrop of the narrative), Billy is a classic 1980s caricature if ever I saw one. While there is some nostalgia present, it is not overwhelming. This season’s major plot revolves around Eleven staying inside with Hopper – in other words, he took her in sometime between Stranger Things 1 and Stranger Things 2.

Hopper’s neglect of Eleven (emotionally) is a grievous experience, as she is essentially being treated like a prisoner or an inmate. Though he is doing his best to take care of her, Eleven is not really his child. The situation is more like: “She has no parents, so Hopper intervened.” It is somewhat sticky, but Hopper is doing the right thing by stepping in and up. I suppose it is understandable why Hopper would react in this manner, but it is still off-putting because he does not find this to be ‘wrong.’ Hopper’s character has the disadvantage of being more of an 80s fatherly figure, as compared to what Hopper was in Stranger Things 1.
II.IV. Introducing A New Style, A New Persona, And A New Stranger Things
In the third season, the budget will be plentiful, the actors will be better, and the cinematography will undergo a substantial transformation. Thus, the series’ release needed to be coordinated with the schedules of the actors, since they had jobs lined up one after another after the conclusion of Stranger Things 1. Perhaps this hindered it, since they expected more money and more screen time, as well as having to accommodate their already busy schedules. Netflix releases Stranger Things 3 on the Fourth of July (2019), two years after Stranger Things 2 premiered. This marks an additional gap in the fictional world, as the series takes place in 1985. The plot is not centered around science fiction, horror, or friendship, but rather revolves around the 1980s and everything that is related to it in a popular culture sense. Because of the change in location to Starcourt Mall, we are not seeing as much of Will, Mike, or any other character’s personal life. The visuals do not seem as entertaining as they did in the first two seasons.

We do get a substantial amount of them, but they feel stale and focused more on color contrast than the characters’ actions and reactions. The characters are consequently given more color, clothing, and lighting (see “Chapter Seven: The Bite”). The show also emphasizes the relationships between Mike and Eleven, Dustin and Suzie, and Lucas and Max, which leaves Will feeling left out. It is for that reason that the central theme of the series is the relationships in question. These various relationships are frequently discussed in great detail, as is the theme of the 1980s. The montages, sequences, and settings are focused on everything except the central question:
What is this upside-down, and who is the perpetrator?

While the season is rich in vibrant colors, bold haircuts, and enhanced cinematography, let us pause for a moment to discuss Hopper. This season, Hopper, the 80s dad parody, has received an unexpected development. Each character in the series changes between Stranger Things 1 and Stranger Things 2. They are no longer the adolescents we are familiar with, and I recognize that children grow up, but they are not dramatically transformed into other characters typically. This is the central problem with Stranger Things 3. The characters are what gives the story its strength. You can relate to them in various ways since we all were young once upon a time. The issue is not that they have aged, because everyone at some point grows up, but that different versions of themselves have emerged between seasons one, two, and three. Adolescents usually do not change dramatically over time. The focus on romance can be viewed as odd since it keeps the focus on the question of “will they or won’t they?” rather than on the question of “what is upside-down, and who runs this mess?”
II.IV.I. A Trilogy: The Comedown Of The Stranger Things?
As soon as Stranger Things 3 returns to its proper focus, viewers have forgotten what being a Stranger Things fan is all about. Due to its setting in 1985, the Soviet spy or military plot is more or less feasible – it has been used numerous times, but can most definitely be implemented. Unlike the first and second seasons when Will was the first victim, Billy Hargrove is this season’s victim. He is trapped in the upside-down, yet between the story and the numerous side-plots that diverge from the main plotline, we do not know much about Billy. Not enough to give the impression that he holds depth as a character, especially when he is sacrificed in “Chapter Eight: The Battle of Starcourt.” (( “Chapter Eight: The Battle of Starcourt.” Duffer Brothers, The. Stranger Things. Season 3, Episode 8. July 4, 2019. Netflix Entertainment. )). In Stranger Things, Joyce and Hopper become romantically involved, which would have been great if she had not witnessed the murder of her first love in Season 2, Episode 9, Bob Newby.

It seemed a bit arbitrary, as that had just occurred in the last several episodes of a fictional time sequence, even though the season is set in a completely different year than the others. However, it should still be too early for Hopper to become a vulture about Joyce. On top of that, Joyce does not appear to be committed to Hopper, yet he continues to pursue her throughout the season as if she had. There is an implied sense that she is uncomfortable. It is made slightly better when Eleven is saved by Hopper, but by that time it has already become one of the more forgettable seasons. As it stands, Hopper’s redemption as a character of the show is not possible as he was creepy throughout the entire season. It is a tragic end to a two-season run of success with the franchise.

Stranger Things 3 is not a bad series, but if you carefully analyze each episode, it does detract from the strengths of the first two seasons: the characters and the mythology. There was a lot of potential for the series to progress with the story and science fiction feel, however, we were provided with an enormous lack of character development alongside outstanding directing and cinematography. In my opinion, the directing of Stranger Things 3 was one of the most notable features. As the show became more popular, its style changed considerably. While the show did give viewers a taste of the 1980s, it lacked narrative, character development, and a relatable element. To what extent is romance relatable? As a result, viewers who were not born during the 1980s feel left out since it is not only the backdrop of Stranger Things, but it is now Stranger Things since the characters are becoming obsolete.
The brat pack in Stranger Things 3 has also been expanded with the addition of Robin Buckley (Maya Hawke) making it about 7-8 members, so each character can no longer receive the same attention it used to. Further contributing to the dissonance of Stranger Things 3 is the playfulness of the directing. A fast-zoom shot is featured in the first 40 seconds of “Chapter Eight: The Battle of Starcourt.” (( “Chapter Eight: The Battle of Starcourt.” Duffer Brothers, The. Stranger Things. Season 3, Episode 8. July 4, 2019. Netflix Entertainment. )). As a result of frames like these, Stranger Things seems more playful than the seasons before them. I am no longer scared to watch Stranger Things, and instead, I feel more childlike. There was a frightening element to the original premise; I found that to be enjoyable.
III. A Hopeful Future For Stranger Things (2016-)
The third season of Stranger Things’ cinematography was astonishingly enhanced and became the focus of what made the third season so riveting. Although the show was lacking in plot, character development, and made me uncomfortable (since I do not want to see sixteen-year-olds dating nor making out for an entire season, despite Stranger Things being really cute about it), there were positive factors. Despite its problems in one area, the show has a chance in others. With a fourth season currently in development, the show can return to what we know and love — a sci-fi show set in the upside-down, controlled by a government organization. Characters are, of course, an added bonus, but if our interest in the characters is not growing, why should we care about them?

If the characters are to change, the story must be rebalanced to make sure that each of the other elements is in balance as well. Perhaps Will could utilize “D&D” to cope with what he lost while being kidnapped for an extended period of time. His character does not need to be in love, as long as he has another hobby besides “D&D.” Since they are all becoming teenagers, he should be able to have a character arc other than being pouty, as his first two seasons were incredible. Even after the triumphant second season, the series fails to convey or emphasize this aspect of Will’s character. Stranger Things should put the focus back on the lore and setting of Stranger Things 1 when we barely understood the characters. Let us hope that Stranger Things 4 brings back the original series that we so enjoyed back in 2016. Here is the teaser for Stranger Things 4 if you’ve missed it.
Editorial note: I enjoy the entire series, including Stranger Things 3. This is more of a commentary on the theme I once admired being diluted. However, I am eagerly anticipating the upcoming fourth season.