Cover of Life is Strange: Partners in Time #3

Max Makes A Desperate Decision In Life Is Strange: Partners In Time #3

Cover of Life is Strange: Partners in Time #3
Max Makes A Desperate Decision In Life Is Strange: Partners In Time #3

Life is Strange: Partners in Time #3 really ratchets up the tension to head into the final part of the “Tracks” arc. Relationships change, mysteries are solved, and one brief moment of joy is shared before the storm arrives, quite literally. And much like before in a certain bay, Max is put in a situation where using her powers could mean life or death for her friends. Choices and their consequences weigh on her, and the ramifications of her desperation in this issue will be felt down the line for a long while.

A Stranger In A Strange Land In Partners In Time #3

Tristian is still acclimating to this universe; as we saw in the previous issues, it has been a bit difficult for him. But here in Life is Strange: Partners in Time #3, Tristian’s aloofness is coming back to bite him in a way. Pixie, the resident drummer for the band the High Seas, has begun to take an interest in him. She practically corners Chloe in order to question who this new guy is. He is strange, rarely talks to anyone other than Chloe, and despite her insistence that they are old friends, Tristan and Chloe, sure don’t seem it. Even later in the issue, she tries to talk to Tristan himself, and well, his social awkwardness gets the better of him. It makes Pixie even more interested in unraveling this particular mystery.

Pixie asks the other band members about Tristian
Life is Strange: Partners in Time #3; Titan Comics 2020

The focus on Pixie combined with what happens later in the issue, which I will address in a moment, has me wondering what exactly Emma Vieceli and Claudia Leonardi have planned. The High Seas band members were characters introduced by them, and if you remember from my old reviews of those first couple of issues, I was not entirely sold on them. But as time passed, and they were a bit more fleshed out and became closer to Max and Chloe, I warmed up to them. I think it just might be time for at least one of them to be brought into the loop of what is happening. Pixie taking an interest in Tristian is, I believe, the first step into her learning about the multiverse, time travel, Tristan’s power, etc. We shall see, but the potential for this is strong because of the ending of this issue.

Complications For The Trio

Over in the universe where everyone is alive and together, things take a very interesting if dark turn. But first, I must talk about the unexpected, but a welcome cameo from the Life is Strange 2 game. Brody Holloway, the travel vlogger that helps Sean and Daniel out in the game, just so happens to be going to the same concert our trio are also going to. What’s nice about this cameo is twofold. On the one hand, we bridge the gap between the two games as they did take place in the same universe, just with a different cast of characters. But on the other hand, you have a really nice parallel with Brody and Rachel.

Max, Chloe, and Rachel meet Brody
Life is Strange: Partners in Time #3; Titan Comics 2020

Rachel has become somewhat of an internet personality. Filming vlogs and whatnot in an attempt to gain an audience to further her acting career. While her acting is her focus and her dream, as that’s what is at the heart of this road trip, her vlogs are still important. As we saw in the previous series, she is not afraid to use her interest persona to help people, much like Brody uses his knowledge and resources to help out the brothers in the game. And so, in effect, we have two internet personalities, one a blogger, the other a vlogger, who are just trying to do the right thing. It’s a small scene, but it was actually charming. Considering this version of Rachel is an empty canvas from which Emma Vieceli can do whatever she wants with, I’m interested in seeing if this parallel will go even deeper.

I said I would talk about it, so here we go, the big cliffhanger at the end. This was perfect, and my jaw practically hit the floor; I was so genuinely shocked. I just starred at the page for a full minute in disbelief. Max has been put in a desperate situation, and I can’t blame her for the decision she made, even if it was rash. Tristan was crossing over, but she had no idea that would or could happen. All she knew was that her friends, the High Seas band, were going to be severely injured from the crash, if not worse. So in a moment of desperation, she reverses time and sets in motion a chain of events that could very well screw her life as well as many others. Sound familiar? I feel for Max so much, but this is the burden of being gifted with the power of this magnitude. The human mind can be fickle and act irresponsibly, and we have to live with it, but she has to also face the consequences of time.

Life is Strange: Partners in Time #3 Is The Most Surprising Issue Yet

Life is Strange: Partners in Time #3 is a massive issue that will grip you from the first page to the last. The creative team has expertly weaved together a strong narrative with these wonderful characters and then, like all good stories, threw a curveball at us. I cannot wait for the next issue.


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