Shareca Coleman

Kelly Rota

Joanis Baino

Lydia Mae Orendain

Abby Kirby

Abby Kirby
Section HeadAbby Kirby is a high school English teacher and fan studies scholar. She holds a BA in English and an MA in Media and Cinema Studies.

Abigail Early
Editorial InternAbigail is currently a junior at California State University, Fresno working on her BA in English literature.

Ainsha Nurashanti Milande
InternA journalist who is (sadly) too chronically online, and a bilingual writer doing his best to cover what he loves.

Alia Khatib
ContributorAlia loves writing about nerdom and often ponders about what makes characters, human or otherwise, who they are.

Allison Elashoff
ContributorAlly is a college junior at the University of Washington who studies Creative Writing.

Brianna Vaca
InternSenior journalism major, Brianna Vaca enjoys writing while also listening to music, attending K-pop concerts & watching NFL.

Constantine Moore
InternIf you don’t know me, hopefully my writing will tell you something.

Dakota Kocken
InternDakota will cover film and television pop culture, bringing a passion for discussing and comparing plots to this exciting role.

Deborah “Aevum C” Saunders
Editorial InternThe only thing worse than writing, is not writing.

Doan Chu
InternWriter, reader, dreamer. I love coming up with theories and getting upset when they don't come true.

George Gallardo
InternGeorge Gallardo, a senior journalism student at CSUDH, is passionate about video games, anime, manga, music, and movies.

Grey “Gracianna” Crotts
Editorial InternGrey loves music, history, and literature, with a particular interest in Hannibal, She-Ra, Mitski, and more.

Holden Walker
ContributorHolden is a literary and media critic from New South Wales, Australia.

Jeremiah Rojas
InternJeremiah Rojas, a student journalist at CSU Dominguez Hills, is passionate about films, video games, and storytelling.

Joanis Baino
Section HeadJoanis is a lover of all things Popular Culture, Dr. Pepper, and has a tendency to cry over content in media.

Joanna MacGown
InternA recent Michigan State graduate, she loves language and storytelling in its myriad forms.

Kelly Rota
Managing Editor (M.E.)Kelly Rota is a freelance writer and copyeditor who enjoys writing short fiction in her free time.

Ky Tanella
InternKy Tanella is a senior at SCAD, and their favorite movie is Scooby-Doo (2002).

Kyle (Ismael) Eusoof
InternA recently film undergrad with dreams of working on a Star Wars or DC project one day.

Kyle Scher
AuthorKyle Scher is a graduate of The University of Winchester getting a Bachelor's Degree in Creative Writing.

Lydia Mae Orendain
Section HeadLydia is a community-minded writer and educator who's working toward a Master's degree in Library and Information Science.

Marlena Shinego
InternMarlena is a jack-of-all-trades creative with a drive for analysis and a propensity for rattling on about it.

Mia Garcia
InternMia Garcia enjoys discussing the latest news about celebrities and the most recent trends.

Nadia Arain
InternNadia is a senior in their final semester at Ithaca College.

Nicole “Cole” Hediger
InternCole is a graduate of Temple University with a BFA in Film and Media Arts.

Sabin Bottomstone
EditorSabin uses their BA in Writing and Digital Media from Penn State to analyze and dissect media, exploring its strengths and flaws.

Sara Pence
InternSara Pence graduated from San Diego State University and currently lives in New York City.

Sasha Tishman
InternWriter, creative and storyteller with an undying love for cinema and television culture, and proud SCAD Bee.

Shanel Cheatham
InternShanel writes to critically analyze and discuss themes found in literature and cinema.

Zev Hatfield
EditorZev Hatfield is a Creative Writing graduate who's passionate about comics, RPG video and tabletop games, and all sorts of fantasy + sci-fi.
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